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Make-up Classes and Sick/Absence Policy

Sniffles and Sneezes and Fevers - Oh my!
These are unprecedented times and Ms. Kristen hopes you understand that in-person classes during a pandemic are going to be a "We're all in this together" scenario.  Your understanding and cooperation is paramount to the session's success.  

If you or your child are running a fever (anything over 99.1 in these crazy times), experiencing any intestinal tract symptoms, exhibiting new coughing or sore throat symptoms, or acting "off" (tired or unusually cranky), please stay at home.  Any child with a questionable rash - especially around the mouth or in fingernail/toenail beds - should stay home for observation.  Any exposure to Covid-19 followed by any degree of symptoms requires you to stay home.  If anyone in your household currently has Covid-19, please stay home until they are fully recovered.

Clear, runny noses or random coughs in children that are otherwise acting "normal" are probably a sign that your child is fighting a mild cold/allergies.  A negative test is most helpful to rule out Covid-19, and we encourage families to test at home if showing any sign of illness.  We are living through a pandemic, and you must use your absolute best judgement about attending class.

Make-up Policy:  Click here for the Make-Up Scheduler

In order to maintain social distancing, make-up slots will only be available when there is a known absence.  Please let your teacher know if you are going to miss a class due to travel or, if you know with adavance time you are too ill to attend.  These slots will be made available on the Make-Up Scheduler. There is also a  "Bonus Week" in week 9 of the session.  Should Ms. Kristen need to make up any classes due to her own illness, she will be teaching this week, but all families will have the option to sign up for additional make-ups during that week.  Stay tuned for additional information.  There are no refunds for missed classes. 
One LIVE class will be recorded each week and uploaded to our On Demand video collection, which will be made available to all registered families via email.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or text Ms. Kristen!

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